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Beat and prevent Athlete's Foot

Beat and prevent Athlete's Foot

Beat and prevent
Athlete's Foot

But that's not all. In this post we discuss the concept of Athlete's Foot and the most common symptoms. We also talk about natural and non-prescription remedies.

What is Athlete's Foot?

Just as it sounds, Athlete's Foot is a type of fungal infection, also called tinea pedis. It can occur in both children and adults. The infection is caused by microscopically small fungi. It enjoys humid and cramped environments, such as what is found between the toes. If you are unlucky and do not treat it in good time, the infection can spread to nails, loins and even hands.

Tinea Pedis affects about half of Sweden's population at some point in life.

So, how do you know if you have a fungal infection on your feet?

The most common symptoms of Athlete's Foot are that the skin begins to flake. You may experience that it starts to become itchy, sting and the skin may become sore and appear red. An unusual symptom is that you get blisters where the fungal infection is located. Symptoms may occur between the toes, on the side of the foot or on the sole.

The infection can be confused with other diseases such as eczema. Therefore, you should always consult a doctor for advice if you are unsure. You should always consult a doctor if the infection occurs in children under 10 years of age.

Why does Athlete's Foot occur?

Fungal infection usually occurs through infectious environments, such as general changing rooms, showers and swimming pools. As the name "Athlete's Foot" implies, athletes develop athlete's foot more often. Because the fungus enjoys moist, well-used and dense shoes common to intense, athletic activity.

Treating Athlete's Foot

Athlete's Foot between the toes or on the soles of the feet may feel uncomfortable but there is nothing to worry about. There are several remedies today. At the pharmacy you will find non-prescription medicines like gels or creams. Examples are Lamisil dermgel and Pevaryl. They work to eliminate the fungus.

In the next section you will find 8 household remedies that can help with the inconvenience.

Tip! It is Important that you always complete the whole treatment even if the symptoms improve after a few days.

Try these home remedies

As with all conditions and problems, there are home remedies to be found all around the internet. You probably already knew that garlic is good for colds and that coconut oil can save help both hair and skin. But did you know that these two ingredients can also be used against athletes foot?

The natural cures work to treat Athlete's Foot by stabilizing the pH in the skin using natural acids. With a correct pH, an environment is created where the bacteria can not survive.

Here you will find a list of some home remedies that I found interesting to test. But do not forget that it may always be a wise idea to visit a pharmacy.

Crush the garlic and mix with olive oil. Apply the mixture directly to the fungal infection using a cotton ball or similar.

Certain oils, such as oregano and lavender, should have a helping effect against Athlete's Foot. Also apply these directly to the area.

Tea tree oil - for best effect, mix some drops of coconut oil and then massage the infection.

Try a foot bath with a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water.

Or why not try a foot bath made of ½ liter of tomato juice and 3 liters of water.

Mix half acetic acid and half water. Spray between the toes 2 times daily, morning and evening.

Another remedy that claims to cure Athlete's Foot between the toes is by bathing the feet in a mixture of water and bleach. IMPORTANT: Take care of the proportion of bleach as it is harmful for the skin in large quantities.

Coconut oil contains fungicidal properties that should be good for counteracting Athlete's Foot. It can be applied directly to the infected part of your foot.

Prevent Athlete's Foot - origin and relapse

Good foot and shoe hygiene is the key to prevent Athlete's Foot from occurring and returning.

TIPS to counteract fungal infection on the feet:

Change your socks often. Wash your feet frequently and preferably in warm water. Athlete's Foot bacteria is comfortable in humid environments. Therefore, be sure to dry your feet after washing. Wash socks in at least 60 degree water. Then the fungi will die. Avoid dense shoes. Do not forget to take care of your shoes. Use SmellWell to absorb moisture in the shoes and prevent fungus from thriving. If you have a problem with Athlete's Foot, it may be a sign of a weak immune system, so you should contact a doctor.

Do you want to freshen up your shoes while reducing the risk of Athlete's Foot?

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