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How to take care of your shoes in the fall  

How to take care of your shoes in the fall  

 How to take care of
your shoes in the fall

Although it's fun to buy new shoes, it's not as nice when other couples break up. In fact, you can extend the life of your shoes on your own by rather small means. Shoe care benefits both the shoes, the feet and the wallet. Here we give you some really good tips for keeping your shoes in top condition during the autumn.

Impregnate the shoes

We know all too well that with the autumn comes the rain. Bad weather, dirty soil and water wear a lot on the shoes, which are exposed to these stresses daily during the autumn period. By impregnating the shoes, a protective layer is created that keeps the moisture out. If, on the other hand, you already have shoes made of, for example, Gore-Tex material, it is not necessary. Impregnation spray can be used for most types of shoe materials such as leather, suede, textile or synthetic. Read the packaging carefully beforehand to avoid the wrong spray for the wrong shoes, as it can ruin the shoes.

Brush and clean

All shoes need to be cleaned, preferably daily. By buying a shoe brush, you can routinely brush off the shoes when you get home. If you think that a shoe brush is unnecessary, you can also use a damp cloth or similar. Keep in mind, however, that materials such as leather or suede cost more, while requiring more care. A rule of thumb is that the more time you spend on the shoes, the longer they last - both in appearance and function.

Shoe cream for leather shoes

The tip mainly applies to shoes in leather and suede, although it is also recommended for textiles. Shoe cream nourishes the material and gives the shoes a really beautiful look. You can find creams in different shoe stores and can choose between both tube and jar.

Keep your shoes fresh

Smelly shoes and foot sweat are not popular - whether the shoes are cheap or expensive. Good foot care keeps the bacteria away - and surely it can be nice to take an autumnal foot bath before the walk? After you get home, you should make sure that the shoes are kept dry. Put in a bag of SmellWell, let the product absorb the moisture and give the shoes a fresh scent. If you have the opportunity to air your shoes outdoors at least once a week, it is also a plus.


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